Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

A Flag Corrupted?

One of the best blog posts I've read on the subject of the Confederate Flag issue is by NCMountainwoman.  http://ncmountainwoman.blogspot.com/2015/06/corrupted-symbols.html 

I have not known exactly how I felt about this hot button issue. The flag did not cause the killings at the church. But I see now that the flag I grew up believing was a symbol of bravery and courage of my ancestors who served in the Confederacy has indeed become a symbol of something entirely different and my great great grandfathers, John Monroe and John Cecil, would not be proud to carry the flag as a symbol of what it means today. 

In her post, NCMountainwoman's research tells us how other flags that once stood for good have been corrupted into symbols of hatred. Read her post and the comments that follow. Did you know that the Confederacy was first to enlist the Draft? Perhaps my two Johns were drafted into service. I know they had no slaves and would not likely fight for slave owners. They were hard working farmers. John Cecil was captured while fishing for the troops off the coast of Florida. John Monroe was a farrier in the service. His job was to keep shoes on the horses, I suppose. He served for three years right up to the time Robert E. Lee surrendered. 

I wish I could ask both of these men about their thoughts on this subject. I can't imagine either of them wanted to go to war and leave their families for three years. While John Cecil Council was in prison at Shipp Island, his wife, Fanny and a black woman, Judy, who was raised by the white family, farmed their land in north Florida and raised her children. 

But, just like we honor our military who fought in Vietnam, in a war with egregious tales of suffering on both sides, we appreciate our southern soldiers' sacrifice and courage in the spirit of fighting for their country, and in 1862 the Confederacy was their country. 


  1. I will go over there and check out that post, Glenda. I never had any feelings one way or the other about the Confederate flag, so it's not a hot button issue for me, but I do appreciate that things change over the years and morph into something else, other meanings. I hope you had a safe and comfy Fourth, now that we are on the last day of the holiday weekend. :-)

  2. Like you, DJan, most people I know had no strong feelings about the Confederate flag. I have noticed over the years that I see it more in the back of pickup trucks with guns across the back. But I see it also in souvenir shops where tourists buy the flag to take home as a reminder of their trip to the south.

    I didn't know so many people had such strong feelings about it until now.
    I had a very nice fourth of July. I sat on my deck as the weather had cooled and enjoyed the birds that seem to love my container garden. I did some writing and talked to a cousin down in Georgia for over an hour. She is such a dear person. Also talked to my sister and my neighbors brought me a plate from a Pig Pickin/ they attended. Very nice day and safely at home.

  3. I feels that flags are symbols. I don't understand why people have to bread hatred but it seems to happen all over the world. I guess it isn't very hard to overpoer some already vulnerable minds. I wish one could find a way to help evil become extinct! Wars too!!
    Glad to meet you and just noticed you were a teacher too!

  4. Heidrun, I enjoyed both your blogs. I will visit them again and hope you visit with me, also. Yes, I was an elementary school teacher and now I teach writing for adults. I really enjoy it.


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